Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Wooden Carved Figural Pedestal

Hello Friends and Readers:

A few years back, I went antiquing at a shop in Haddonfield, New Jersey.  While there, I spotted a lovely carved wooden figural pedestal of a lady, standing along side the front counter.

What impressed me most about the pedestal was the exquisite carving of the lady's flowing hair and the elegant carving of the dress she was wearing.  I had never seen a wooden pedestal like it before.

The price was reasonable, so I purchased it not knowing at the time, exactly how or where it would be used in my home. Yet, in the back of my mind I thought, there's always a place in the house to stick a small piece.

For the past four years now, that particular pedestal has been sitting in the foyer of my house, holding a vintage lamp that once belonged to my late sister in law.  She would be pleased to know how well my carved lady pedestal, compliments her small vintage lamp.

Wooden Carved Figural Pedestal 
That being said, the pedestal pictured in this weeks blog, is not that pedestal.  But rather a similar one that I purchased at the Columbus Flea Market, appoximately one year after purchasing the lady pedestal at the antiques shop in Haddonfiled, New Jersey.

The difference in the two, is that the pedestal (pictured) found at the flea market, is that of a man (rather than a woman) holding a tulip shaped cornice that supports a bakelite ashtray and matchbox holder.  I often wondered if the ashtray and matchbox holder were missing from the pedestal found at the antiques shop.

The pedestals are solid mahogany and have an Art Noveau style.  But, the male pedestal/ashtray found at the flea market, is bare chest and wearing a flowing lower garment.  I feel very fortunate to have found both of these treasures.

If you want to find unique quality pieces at the flea market (like the pedestal pictured), you must arrive very early.  A day at the flea market actually starts way before the crowds arrive.  I must remind you that the dealers (some antique) are usually at the flea market before dawn picking through all the other tables, looking for items to resell at a much higher price.

So, take my advise and get to the flea market early before the dealers, to experience the fun and excitement of finding that perfect unique piece that you've been searching for.

Please share some of your unique flea market finds and experiences with me.

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